Friday, December 19, 2008
All About Me
1. Do you like blue cheese? Gross!
2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Yes, 4 years smoke free.
3. Do you own a gun? No.
4. What Kool Aid flavor was your favorite? I hated kool-aid!
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? -They are pretty expensive for what goes in them!
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Princess Bride
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? French Vanilla Coffee or Tea
9. Can you do push ups? Are you kidding!!!
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding rings.
11. Favorite hobby? Hobbies--quilting, writing
12. Do you have A.D.D.? No.
13. Do you wear glasses/contacts? Glasses
14. Middle name? Marie
15. Name three thoughts at this exact moment? 1. I'm cold. 2. Where is all the snow they keep saying we will get? 3. What I have to do tomorrow.
16. Name three drinks you drink regularly. Water, tea, coffee
17. Current worry? None at the moment!
18. Current hate right now? Banks that are giving their bail out money as bonuses while so many of us are struggling to make ends meet.
19. Favorite place to be? Home
20. How will you bring in the New Year? At a girl scout sleep in with granddaughters.
21. Where would you like to go? Someplace with lots of snow!
22. Name three people who will complete this? No one.
23. Do you own slippers? Yes
24. What shirt are you wearing?A warm one!
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No, the are to slippery!
26. Can you whistle? I try.
27. Favorite color? Purple!
28. Would you be a pirate? No, but I would make a heck of a leader!
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing there.
30. Favorite girls name? Never thought much about it!
31. Favorite boys name? Never thought much about that either!
32. What's in your pocket right now? $6
33. Last thing that made you laugh? My granddaughter explaining when it is sunny, God is happy. When it is raining, God is sad. When it is snowing, God is cold!
34. What vehicle do you drive? 2003 Dodge Caravan & 2001 Dodge Ram
35. Worst injury you ever had? Fractured tibia and fibula
36. Do you love where you live? Yes, but anywhere in Western Washington close to the water I would love...Belfair, Shelton, Poulsbo, Anacortes, etc.
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2
Another Quilt
I think this close up of the corner is the best picture of this quilt. The center is purple pansies with the inner border being a design of the northern lights.
This quilt is going to someone who really needs a very special hug and this quilt has been prayed over for days.
I know it will bring warmth to the recipient!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Death of 911 Dispatch Family
Wisconsin Dispatcher Death
911 CARES Supporter,
We have received a number of e-mails on the tragedy listed below. 911 CARES immediately called the Sheriff and contacted two of the Waushara dispatch professionals.
We already have a “911 CARES” stress management package on the way and we have offered our support in any way we can. There may be burial costs pending. The agency will keep us updated and we will post updates at See the initial teletype below and the update from their dispatch center below. Please send a card of condolence to their 9-1-1 family if you can. Their address is listed below.
David Peterson, Sheriff
430 East Division
Wautoma, WI 54982
Phone (920) 787-3321
911 CARES,
Thank you for getting in touch with us, we appreciate all of the condolences from everyone. The Baneck's surviving children are Billie Jo 24, Anthony 23, Nellie 20, Emily 19 and Katie 16. Charlie was 17, he and Katie were the only ones still in school. Both sets of Grandparents are living and in the area. We have 9 full time dispatchers and 1 that is part dispatch, part jail. We are a small department and this impacts all of us from the communications through, patrol and jail.I will let you know when we have more information on what the family may need.
Thanks again,
Sally Sroka -
Any of you following this know how tragic this is, please send cards of comfort, etc.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Quilts in Need...
December is a hugely busy month and I hope to finish many of my projects that have been on going for quite awhile so I can start 2009 fresh! Yeah Right, consider the odds, I am a quilter!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Stuarts Quilt is On It's Way Home
I also go the money orders in the mail today for the other fabric for the next quilt I will be making and hopefully have done and in the mail prior to Christmas.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings to all Emergency Telecommunications Operators everywhere! If you are home with family and loved ones, I know how much you will cherish this day.
If you are working, I wish you the time to enjoy a peaceful meal with a co-worker, calm phones and a relaxed day.
Police/Fire/ EMS...dispatchers everywhere are the most dedicated and hard working people I know. They have the ability to remain calm in a crisis when everything is falling down around them and they have the special ability to keep others calm.
They endure a lot of pain and anguish in the calls they receive...calls from children who are watching their parents beat on each other, calls from elderly who just woke up to find their spouse has passed on, calls from families that have just witnessed their pets death, drug induced calls that lead to insanity instead of answers.
And yet...they are always there. Day in and day out, they are there taking the calls and the abuse from the public and many times the officers they are trained to be helping.
Many of us may never need 911 and others seem to need it more often. But no matter what walk of life you are on, take a moment and remember these unsung, unseen heroes. Because 911 saves seconds and seconds save lives!
From my heart to your center, God Bless each and all of you!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Looking For A Quilt Sponsor...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
All Ready To Go....
This is the finished quilt I made for Stuart Owen, the young man whose mom is a dispatcher for the Indianapolis airport and who himself has been recently diagnosed with Histiocytosis. Stuart also is Autistic, but from everything I hear is taking this very well.
The quilt came out to be 35" x 50" a pretty average size for the hug quilts I make. I am hoping he can take this to treatment when he goes to give him some comfort.
I just make things up as I go along and I think I found the original pattern on the intern
Here is the back with the label I made to go on it. I loved the stars and dark background on this as it just jumped out at me as for an older child or teen.
The quilt next to it is my step-fathers that his grandmother made for him when he was a child!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Its Knot Done Yet
The last thing I always do is add a quilt label and take a picture of it for my album and then off it goes to hopefully cheer up the person that receives it.
Next on my list is a beautiful one done in all purples. Don't know why, but I am just getting strong feeling the recipient loves bright purples.
Friday, November 21, 2008
An Inspirational Letter
'An inspiration for everyone
I, along with hundreds of other attendees at the third annual Guns-N-Hoses charity football game (Goodyear Fire vs. Police) at Desert Edge High School Saturday evening witnessed not only an exciting football game (Hoses won 13-12), but all left the stadium emotionally drained.
Each year, 100 percent of proceeds are given to local charities, and this year's recipients were Kim Miller, 29-year-old wife of Sgt. Deron Miller, the family of Officer Barry Scott, and the 100 Club.
Officer Miller's wife is suffering from stage 4 cancer. But those of us who saw her walk onto the field after the game would never have known it had not the public address system announced her appearance.
After the game, everyone's attention was on Kim. I saw her smiles for each of those hugging her, and she exhibited a serene calmness as player after player was trying hard to fight back tears. Her smile and twinkle in her eyes belied the internal struggle she and Deron must have carried with them as they walked off the football field.
As both teams gathered in the middle of the field, suddenly a few players appeared with electric shears, lines began to form, and one by one every player's head was shaved (including some of the players' tiny tots), all in honor of Kim Miller.
I have two grandsons with the Goodyear P.D., and both have said how this happening has affected them, and how they've gained inner strength, and as one of them told me, "Hey, Papa, don't forget, they both are my family too."
Those attending that evening felt the raw emotion much more than those reading this letter. I too, as many others who know Kim and Deron, wish to let them know that we too share in their grief.'
Ken Wood
(Obtained from the World Wide Web on November 21, 2008. Letters to the Editor. Letter written by Wood, Ken.)
As soon as I get some pictures large enough to post I will do so. Many of us struggle with the daily drudgery of work, home, etc. Kim is dealing with cancer and doing so with an amazing spirit and attitude.
A Quilt Sponsor and Center Donation
How wonderful is that? I am elbows deep in quilts right now, but should have one completed this week-end and another one started. Of course, they will take a back seat to the holiday while we are out of town, but I am planning on taking my Christmas cross stitch and working very diligently on it.
After all, I don't cook the bird!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Whats Orange and Yellow and Full of Flames?
The answer is Stuart's quilt of course. Here is just a sneak peek in case he knows I am making him a quilt. It really is coming out great and today while being at home, I put the border on it.
The border has some hints of green as his favorite color is green and orange.
Stuart has Histiocytosis, a rare disorder that strikes children between the ages of birth to 15 and Stuart just happens to be 15. Though if I understand it correctly, it is not cancer, however it is treated like cancer.
Stuart is also Autistic. His mom is a dispatcher for the Indianapolis Airport Communications center and has to take lots of time off to be with her son while he undergoes treatment.
To send a personal note to Stuart, mail it to:
Stuart Owen P.O. Box 21 Bainbridge, Indiana 46105
Since Sarah has had to take so much time off and her insurance is for herself and not her family when it comes to short term disability, they have lost a huge portion of their income. An account has been set up to help their family at:
Tri-County Bank of Bainbridge, Indiana FBO Account for Harrison "Stuart" Owen 203 East US Highway 36 East Bainbridge, Indiana 46105
Yeah, yeah, I know it is the holidays, the economy stinks, etc. But if you aren't reading this at the public library, I am assuming you have a job and can pay your bills, so shoot them some help if you can. If not, there will be other opportunities I am sure!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Dispatcher Looses Everything In A Fire
I can use batting, thread, fabric and postage fee's. If you would like to adopt this quilt, please let me know & I will tell you more about it.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Working on Stuarts Quilt
I am looking for a sponsor for this quilt, so if there are any dispatch centers out there who would like to sponsor this quilt by paying for the shipping, I would truly appreciate it. The cost to send a quilt priority mail with confirmation will cost about $12.00.
Any monies left over will be put into my change jar which when full is used to buy the things necessary to keep this business going.
It just amazes me that for 13 years as a police dispatcher, I saw so many of us so complacent when it comes to helping others. Why is that? Is it a trust issue? Is it the mindset of 'so many people will donate, why should I? I would say it is the economy, but this has been going on way before the economy tanked.
I am grateful to those that have donated in the past (911 Cares, Novi, Michigan police dispatchers, military family and retired military members, some of my family and friends). But not once, have I have taken in a donation from my old department (and they know I make quilts for people in need), or from other dispatch centers I have helped.
I can do this on my own and was confirmed yesterday in church that I should continue this work because it is bringing people to the Lord and it is showing people that are in pain someone cares.
I will not stop making quilts for those people (dispatchers) that are hurting and their families when they have a need.
At this time, I have 5 quilts to make and it may take time, but each and everyone that I promised to make a quilt for will get one.
I have asked in the past for people to start a change collection in their department for one to two months and place a change jar in their center and gather coins. At the end of the time frame you have designated, send me a check or money order for the amount.
It costs me $15.00 for a great bamboo or soy batting, $3 for a good spool of thread, $2 for sewing needles, $3-$10 per yard for fabric.
Sponsor a quilt for holidays and know that when it is made, I will include your name and agency on the card that goes with it.
Dispatchers need to become a team and reach out to help others!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Thank You Veterans For Your Service
911 Cares Supports Breast Cancer Awareness
911 Cares has an amazing Breast Cancer support shirt with a butterfly on it. You DO NOT have to be a police/fire/EMS dispatcher to wear this shirt or to give it to someone else and for the low price of $20, it comes in sizes from small to 5X, it is the perfect gift for a breast cancer survivor, a family member, a walking team member or someone on your list that doesn't want a gift.
You are supporting both 911 Cares and the hard working dispatchers that are working hard to fight breast cancer themselves or supporting the breast cancer awareness by walking. You just can't go wrong with this type of a gift.
While you are checking out all the really cool things at 911 Cares, drop into the 911 activation section and see if you can't reach out to one of these everyday heroes. Remember, there are many police & fire support agencies such as the 100 Club in Arizona, but to the best of my knowledge, the only 911 dispatcher support group is 911 Cares and trust me, Kevin and his 911 Cares family are awesome!
Check it out and if you decide to do something or purchase something, tell them the Quilting Dispatcher sent you!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
End of the year Charity Donations
There is something that makes me feel a bit closer to my roots, to God and to others when I can reach out and help others and make their day seem a bit brighter. I do not think now nor will I ever be a great quilter, I am just an average quilter with a huge heart for those I called family for so many years.
Once again I am asked for you to donate to 911 Cares. This agency truly has a calling and heart for dispatchers in need and agencies and they are the first usually to deliver good or bad news on their web-sites so others can reach out and help. Not to mention, they have some really cool stuff in their store!
I have been blessed that when Kevin can, they assist me in purchasing things I need to continue my quilting. I am not a non-profit, but I do use every bit of fabric, batting, thread, etc. to continue the cause in helping those in need.
I have a huge need for batting. If you would like to donate warm batting, polyester batting or even bamboo batting, I am open to taking what you can send. I use all sizes from crib sized to king size.
Sulky threads is another thing I need.
Send anything you might want to donate for my quilts to help others to:
Jean Kester
906 N. Rice Street
Aberdeen, WA 98520
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Quilt Going Out...
So, I have been informed I am a tad bit behind in my blogging on this blog. Wow! I didn't know there was a blog patrol that determined when and how to blog. Sorry everyone! This and my other 911 blog is basically set up to help others and post information about police dispatchers in need that I feel I can help.
Finally, after months, I have completed Patti's quilt and it will be in the mail tomorrow or Saturday and I must let all of you know that I just received word that Patti got to go home today!
This is just a corner of what her quilt looks like, I loved finding the batik flip-flop fabric and I had a few left over flip-flop buttons and sewed a different colored one onto each corner. The binding is flannel fabric in different colors & patterns but they all have pink in them.
This is what I call a 'hug,' quilt because I feel everyone could use a hug when they go through a bad experience. To me, however, police dispatchers especially need a hug because they are very special people.
Here is the back of the quilt done in a rose pattern of pinks and blues flannel of course to keep it soft!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Texas Sized List
Additional items being requested:
Mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss
Multi purpose contact cleaner
Shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, mouse, styling gell
Razors, shaving cream, feminine hygiene stuff
Deodorant, hand sanitizer, bug spray
Sleeping bags (I only found 3)
ChapStick and toilet wipes
Water and water bottles
Bath towels and wash clothes
Body Wash and wash sponges
Allergy and pain medicines
Combs and brushes
Just an update from our area. A great deal of the region is still
without power. 68% of Centerpoint power customers are without
power, 95% of Entergy power customers are without power. They're
saying it could be anywhere between Sept 25 - Oct 5 before all power
is restored. ALOT of the area is being told to boil water, some
areas do not have water.
There is a possibility that a bank account will be set up for money
donations. We'll post more on that if it happens.
If anyone has any questions about shipping items or anything else, I
have a line set up at my office with my admin staff that can take
calls. 713-755-2204.
Thanks everyone!
Lisa Dodson
Harris County Sheriff's Office
Houston, TX
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Address for Texas Disaster
Hurricane Ike Activation!
Dear friends. We need your help! We have received e-mails from a number of individuals and agencies. There is an immediate need for supplies, clothing and toiletries. Now that the storm has passed, we have networked with the Texas TERT Team Coordinator, Texas NENA and National NENA to confirm the need and start this very important activation.
Galveston, Orange and Beaumont areas have an intense need. This is for the many dispatchers that have been working since the hurricane. They are running out of fresh clothes and daily needs. We are only beginning to see what the losses are for these many 9-1-1 heroes since most have been working for days and have been unable to check their homes. Some are "waterlocked" and can't leave their centers until roads and utilities are safe.
Here is the plan! Please collect the following items:
Clothes of any sizes (read important note below)
New shoes and boots (no used please)
Socks (new)
Toiletries (soaps, lotion, shampoo, combs, baby powder)
Feminine Products
Baby Wipes (used for quick cleaning since showers and baths are impossible)
Paper products ( toilet paper, tissues, paper towels)
Purel or other sanitizing hand cleaner
Food items (things that can be easily heated or microwaved)
Snack/Candy (anything that won't melt in hot/humid temps)
Things to help time pass (magazines, puzzles, cards)
Imagine your own dispatch center. After three days of eating everything in the cabinets, what's left? Get things like ice tea mix, coffee, sugar, creamer, snack stuff, etc.
These dispatch centers are in evacuated areas of Texas but they have stayed behind for rescue and security of their communities. They can't just send someone to a FEMA shelter to get stuff, those shelters are hours away. If you are in driving distance from Houston , there is a need for cases of bottled water also. Contact us offline and we'll coordinate your offers for help.
At this time, we are not asking for money or gift cards. There isn't a mechanism to shop locally yet (everything is closed or damaged) and we don't have a list of specific needs other than what is listed above.
CLOTHING NOTE. We're all adults, so please take this in the spirit intended. During our Katrina Activation, we had amazing stuff donated. That being said, some people just sent whatever was in the musty attic. These agencies have NO fresh water, no washing machines, no dryers, etc. PLEASE wash EVERYTHING you send! Let them open a " Downey fresh" box from you, not a nightmare :)
Put everything in the box.
Write the contents on one side. You don't have to be specific. Just write clothes, snacks, magazines or whatever you send.
Address it. Thanks to Lisa Dodson at Harris County 9-1-1 we have a secure location to send it to! Add Harris to your hero list, they have stepped up to be the base camp for donations that will be distributed to all affected areas. Mail or UPS to:
Harris County Communications Division
Attn; 911 CARES
1301 Franklin Street
Houston, TX 77002
If you have questions, Houston has agreed to be the Texas contact point. PLEASE call only if you need to. They are still very busy and we don't want to overwhelm them with calls.
UPS,FedEx and US Postal are all working to get boxes where they need to go. There are shiping updates daily as trucks can get there. We will post daily updates this week at www.911cares. com (scroll below the yellow ACTIVATION STRIPE for the most current info)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Texas Devastation....Calling All Quilters
I am calling on all quilters to do your part. Even if you can only make one crib or lap sized, trust me when you have lost everything, having a hand made quilt means the world to these people that have lost all.
Personally, I do not donate to the Red Cross, it is just a bad taste I have when they couldn't show where millions of dollars of donations went to for the Hurricane Katrina, not to mention one of their Directors was found to be filching money for themselves.
I would prefer to work on my own and ask others to do the same. I can put you in touch with someone who can help, someone I know will see to it these quilts get delivered. Trust me, 911 cares will be there when no one else is!
Perhaps you have a few quilts sitting on the shelf and always wanted to put them to good use, now is the time to do that! Perhaps your quilting group wants to help. Make quilts, donate small toiletry items, these are the things people need, not cute little bags, not other crafy things, they need blankets to keep warm, to hold onto when there is nothing else.
We can help these people, one quilt at a time!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Please Remember Your Local 9-1-1 Heroes Today
I pulled into the drive way and my husband who is an awesome man, met me at the truck as usual and opened by door. Did you hear New York had a horrible plane crash. Yes, I just saw it on the news, two planes. What? No, you just saw the crash being replayed. It just didn't set it there were really 2.
My first thoughts went to my dad and step-mom living in New York because they live right outside the city and she works in NYC. Of course like a dummy, I tried to call their home but all circuits were busy.
It was AWFUL. I watched for a long time just not believing this could happen in the United States & then wanting to somehow reach out and help and know I couldn't. I went to bed and woke up and it was as if nothing had changed.
I was blessed to have that night off because I called NY until I reached my dad around midnight & NO, he was not happy to be wakened, but he said everyone was fine. It was then I realized my step-brother and his wife worked in DC.
My heart still goes out to all those who lost someone that day! I just can't imagine the pain!
While it will be replayed on television today, lets not forget those that answer the telephones when crisis hits, your local 911 centers. Please, make some contact with them today and say thank you!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Dog Tired
It is a little 2 bedroom, 1 tiny bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, laundry room and single car garage. The last renter let dogs or kids or whatever poop all over and there are dried feces on one of the carpets. The place is thick with flies, fleas, ants and mosquito's. I try to get the bugs to leave by opening the door and window to let the fetid stale air out.
Someone put double paned windows in, marble counter tops (over the old cabinets), new carpet (recently0, large tile kitchen floor. However, when things are left to renters, one never knows how it will end up and this one was left empty but disgusting!
Once I am finished with it and the carpet cleaners come out, it will be nice again, but the bathroom is comical. If you drank a lot one night and had to toss your cookies, you could sit on the toilet and puke in the sink or bathtub. There is absolutely no room in the bathroom to move at all!
Tomorrow I won't even go in to clean as I will be letting bug bombs off inside to kill the fleas!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Not Ashamed to Beg Your Vote
If I win, I get a wall hanging by the owner of the quilting blog, second place gets some really nice fabrics which I could also use (unless of course you ask my husband).
So, please follow this link to the site:
and then look for the sunbonnet couple and click to vote. It is really that simple. You don't have to register or anything!
I would appreciate it!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Quilts for Comfort
Take the 911 center, who recently received one of my quilts that I had ever intention of selling to earn my family some income while I am unemployed, here is an excerpt that was sent to 911 Cares: 'special thanks to the retired quilting dispatcher from Aberdeen Washington, the warmth of Kaseys memory will be with us all each time we look at the lovely quilt. ' (9/5/08 911 Cares).
A few years ago during the tragic killings at Virginia Tech, I made 9 lap sized quilts within a week. I had a friend donate to me during this time her brand new sewing machine, a Vietnam Vet sent me a check for $25 (incidentally, he is also a quilter) for supplies, an Air Force wife gave me fabric and thread that had belonged to her mother, a dear friend sent me a check for $25.
I used this money and more for the quilts. I do not have UPS or FedEx donate postage to me though I have tried throughout the years to get them to give me some type of a discount, without a 501C non-profit status, they won't help. The cost to send those quilts via USPS was if I remember correctly just under $40.
I wanted all of you to be aware that there is a huge need to reach out to the 911 dispatchers in need. Sometimes they need WalMart gift cards, money, cards & even just our prayers. It isn't an easy job, while many people are sleeping safely in bed, they are awake all night answering the calls for service. While you enjoy week-ends and holidays with your families, they are at work eating with co-workers.
This September 11th many of us will remember the tragedy of New York, but few will remember the dispatchers that took those calls. What about your local 911 center? Do you know if it is a county wide agency or a stand alone agency? Do you know your non-emergency call for help? Look them up in the phone book or call the non-emergency number and ask for an address to send a card of thanks, take a pizza, cookies, etc. to let them know while they have a stressful job, you are thankful they do it best!
The next time I ask for donations, I hope I can get some of you, my readers to respond because there is no better time to reach out than when someone is hurting and in need!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Lets Pray for New Orleans & Texas
Just as He can calm the waters and lead us by them while they are still, I am reminded in today's news that New Orleans and the Texas coastal area are once again in peril from a hurricane.
Let us all stop today and take a moment or a few to pray for these families, men, women, children, pets who are finally trying to get their lives back only to possibly see all their effort and hard work destroyed by yet another hurricane.
Let us all pray that He will calm the waters and tame the hurricane before it hits that by only a miracle it will suddenly become calm and the seas will be as still as they are in this picture my granddaughter took last night.
Father in Heaven, we come to you today asking that You take this hurricane my its tail and shake it free to be nothing more than a mere whisper of wind and a sputtering in the ocean seas. Father, keep this from destroying homes and lives and let these people come back to what they have just begun to rebuild. We believe in miracles and we believe you can do this. In Jesus Precious and Holy name....Amen
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Battle Cruise Tonight...
The two tall ships will go out into the Olympia harbor and have an old fashioned cannonball battle with each other & I really think my 2 are going to get a huge kick out of it. They were the 2 that went together on fishing trips when Shyann was small and since moving here, we haven't had the funds to do anything & it isn't getting any better, so when I was offered this trip for free, I took it!
I can't wait to see some of the pictures they take! Oops, better go plug in the digital camera so it is ready to go!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Fibromyalgia Support Group
I will just need to get the kids steady in school for a bit and then I can concentrate on the best place to hold our meetings.
Speaking of the kids, we were just informed by our daycare that there will not be any room on the daycare bus for the kids, so I am going to have to figure out how to get them to school during the times I am working as a substitute.
This ought to be fun, since we have no friends or family in the area that can do this and my hubby has to be at work prior to my hours.
I just think the harbor really needs a support group that can reach out to those of us who have this and perhaps it can lead to getting some more physicians in the area since the closest physician is in Olympia for this condition.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Getting Caught Up
Gotta run, more projects to try to catch up with & today is the beginning of painting the stairwell to our basement. Ooooooh, try and keep the kids up or down stairs while the paint drys!~
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Blessings in the Mail
I will be mailing the quilt to the dispatcher who had to give CPR instructions to her co-workers family for her co-worker, one of the girls who first posted to my blog, my mothers pillow I made of my grandfather & the Iowa flood victims quilt.
Please, do not think ill of me for taking so long, it is just when you family goes from 2 incomes to 1 so quickly, you have to take care of family first!
I am currently working on 2 UFO's in my pile that have just been making me crazy with guilt for not finishing them. One goes to a lady who is still suffering from loosing her home to Katrina. I made so many for a group of police dispatchers and then life got in the way...I broke me leg, sold my home, moved in with friends, didn't have my sewing machine,supervised work on our new home, broke my leg again and now can finally step on the sewing pedal again.
Off to an interview today with another school district for my emergency certification & possibly a trip out to the beach to pick up my other one and then I can send all of this to Olympia and I should be set if the prison doesn't call me.
I want to thank each and everyone of you who have sent me Emails encouraging me and telling me not to give up hope in my job search. I just feel so discouraged! I was supposed to know something last week & here I am once again hanging in limbo for a note that tells me I have a job or no thanks!
I am sorry, but I am ready to hang my head in shame and run back to Arizona. Not that I like the area a whole bunch, but because it is larger I feel I might have better luck at finding a job.
Even my kids are calling me & telling me they have never known me to go so long without working. Oh well, it does give me time to finish my quilts!
Monday, August 25, 2008
One Day Great, One Day Horrible!
Does the weather really affect those of us who suffer from Fibromyalgia? I don't know. I can honestly say until I fell and broke my leg the first time, that I was doing well with some help from my ortho doctor giving me facet blocks in my back. I was still able to be physically fit!
Now, I am in pain all the time. I feel like the tin man with grease in her veins instead of oil. As long as I am up and moving all of the time, I am fine. However, once I sit down, standing back up is tremendously painful. My hips ache, my feet ache, my back hurts and sometimes I wonder if I am going to be able to get up at all.
I am trying to get a support group in Grays Harbor set up as I feel there are more people in the are that have this and are suffering in silence.
Anyone that suffers, please let me know, I would like to know how it affects you and your daily living.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
This one was easy & quick
As many of you have seen lately with the amount of postings I do, that I have numerous addictions (quilting & blogging to name a few). But yesterday while hubby was outside papering windows and spray painting the trim on the house, I sat down and quilted. I am so proud of myself, because I have actually completed 2 projects in 2 days.
I finally realized that God wants me to make quilts. No, I may not be the best quilter in blog land and I know I am not the best in the world, but it doesn't matter to God, what matters is that I am doing something I love to help others less fortunate than my family.
So, I made this little house quilt as a gift and you know what? I had fun and I relaxed a bit!
I also (shhh, don't tell the quilt police) probably didn't use 1/4" seams. I sew with my heart & it the seam is a bit bigger, I am not going to fret over it. Besides, does it really matter in the big scheme of things?
I am sure the person that receives this isn't going to send me the following letter:
Dear Jean:
I received your quilt today and was so excited until I noticed you didn't use 1/4" seams when making this piece. Enclosed is the fabric and batting so you can re-quilt this and send it back to me.
Yeah Right! So, sew with your heart and unless you are using your quilt for a show & even then I really don't think it should matter. But hey! I'm just the newbie in quilting!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Colored Fabric Swap Wanted!
I have lots of prints and lots of fabric because sometimes I buy the end of a bolt and it is more than I needed to begin with. So, if you are interested, drop me an Email and we can make the change.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Sewing Organizer
I used a spool of blue and white ribbon I had left over from another project to bind this with and the fabric was from a scrap I had in my scrap box, so it didn't cost me much of anything but a few hours.
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
For Kasey's friends
As he spots Sue walking down the lane, he looks around his garden that he has tended with so much care and picks the prettiest Sunflower for his friend Sue. That is what life is all about, reaching out to our friends and sharing with them our love, our understanding and even the best flower in our garden.
This quilt however, will go on a journey to a 911 dispatch center in Iowa that lost a very close co-worker. I hope it brings them smiles as they think of their friend Kasey and how much he loved life!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Recycling Magazines
The front door is back on & looking gorgeous!
I have tried to sell my older quilting magazines on Ebay, but didn't get to far with that. I even offered them to people who would post to my blog awhile back & got no takers. So today, I am diligently dissecting and recycling into the trash a wonderful batch of Quilt World magazines from the 1980's.
I am going through each one and saving quilt patterns and needlework patterns, stories, cartoons and other things that appeal to me. It is hard to toss these into the bin, but with no takers, they really need to be tossed carefully, before dear hubby throws them out.
I got the name of my apron buddy yesterday and have been working something up for her & I can't wait. It is so cool to think of doing something for a complete stranger and knowing they are anxiously waiting to see what they receive.
Today, we went to our local produce stand (fresh and yummy) and bought Ginger Gold Apples (sweet green apples) & Red Delicious and came home and the youngins and I took out the Jack LaLaane (worth every penny) juicer and we tossed in these sweet apples and soon had 2 quarts of sweet pure apple juice.
The kids love to see how much pulp it makes, but today they were so excited at the red juice coming from the red apples, they thought it was magic!
My old pastor called today and it was good to hear his voice and talk to him about all the exciting things going on at the old church. I truly miss everyone there, they were such a great group!
How was your day?
Monday, August 18, 2008
I believe!
I know many times I put together a quilt to just relax and when it is done, God puts on my heart if I should sell it, keep it or give it away. I am finishing up one right now that I had all plans to list on Etsy or Ebay, but found a dispatch center who just lost a dispatcher and now I know where this quilt will go to!
If you have a completed quilt you want to donate to this family or just a topper to send to me for completion for this family, please let me know!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A Prayer & Some Assistance For a 911 Dispatcher
This lady and her family need our prayers, they need our dollars (even $5 helps), Patti could use a quilt while she is recouping. If anyone wants to do this, please let me know and I will contact Kevin about the quilt.
In the meantime never forget these people are the unseen hero's of this world! They are the ones that calm a child down when there mom or dad won't wake up or they think someone is in their home when they get in from school, they are the calm on the phone when a new father has to deliver a baby on the side of the road that is coming faster than he can drive. They are the voice that keeps an officer calm during the worst of times and they do this day in and day out with little thanks, rarely a potty break & don't even think of a lunch break & they do is with pride and a love for the job.
Please, even the smallest amount can help and remember, when you do this, YOU ARE PAYING IT FORWARD!
Dear 911 CARES supporter:
PSTC and 911 CARES is currently at the APCO national conference in Kansas City. We were advised of the local tragedy below. Please keep Patti in your prayers. We will keep updates posted at in the activation area.
Posted Monday, August 4th
Last night, APCO member and Whittcom, Washington 9-1-1 Director Patti VonBargen was the victim of a hit and run by an intoxicated driver. The suspect is in custody. She was in a cross walk near the convention center walking home with two InterAct employees. Patti suffered a severely crushed leg and broken arm and is still in surgery this morning. Local news reports say she was dragged up to 100 feet by the suspect vehicle.
**Update at 5pm local time, she is out of surgery and we are awaiting an update. Patti's 18 year old daughter is being flown in to be with her Mom. The local chapter and WA chapter are working closely together to fill the needs of Patti and her family.
911 CARES has offered to pay for both of these costs. We'll keep you updated when there is anything you can do beyond prayer. Friends of Patti are asking that nobody call her room at the hospital as she is in ICU. When she is moved to a private room, we will post it** She does not have life threatening injuries, but she's going to need some significant healing time. She's at the Truman Medical Center in Kansas City . Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
We will keep you updated on this tragic event and post the Truman address when Patti is moved. We went shopping for get well cards tonight and will have them signed at the PSTC booth at APCO. We'll deliver them Tuesday and Wednesday night after conference hours.
Tuesday 8-5 update at 15:38 local time:
Below we have more information from the accident and an address where cards and well wishes can be sent.
Sunday, Patti was walking to her hotel after having dinner with two InterAct employees. One InterAct staffer made it onto the curb, another InterAct staffer was hit by the side of the drunk driver's car and Patti took the full force of the impact. The driver fled after dragging Patti's body but was later arrested.
Patti went through extensive surgery Monday but she is in serious condition. PLEASE keep Patti, the Washington Chapter of APCO and all of the staff at Whittcom and InterAct in your prayers. Today, 911 CARES team members Richard Behr and Kevin Willett went through the vendor area and asked vendors to sign cards and give us "vendor gifts". We filled a big bag of goodies that Patti will enjoy when she gets better. We also spoke with Peggy at Grays Harbor 9-1-1 to reinforce our financial and emotional support for Patti, her agency and her family. We have spoken to Conference Chair Robin Tieman and members of WA APCO reassuring them of our ongoing support!
One last note, if there is any question of rumors, let us address them. We are 1000% supportive and appreciative of everything that Willis Carter, all Chapters of APCO, individual members and the local conference committee have done. Please do what you can to send your love and support to Patti. See the update below provided by Washington APCO.
Tuesday Update: Patti's son Jeremy has arrived and is being briefed this morning by the medical staff. We're continuing to make other flight and housing arrangements for her other son and daughter to join her. I don't have an update on her condition except to say that she is still in ICU, is in a lot of pain and needs her rest. Cards are welcome
but since she is still in ICU, she is not able to receive flowers and her family asks that you please do not call yet as she is trying to rest. We appreciate all the well wishes and I know they are being passed on to her and her family. If you have any questions, please
don't hesitate to ask.
Cards may be sent to:
Patti VonBargen
c/o Truman Medical Center
2301 Holmes
ICU Room 204 bed 1
Kansas City , MO 64108
Continue to keep her in your prayers...deb
Deb Welsh
Assistant Director - Skagit 911
(360) 428-3200
1730 local time:
InterAct has informed us that the staff member that was hit in Patti's accident is now safely home. We also delivered the first batch of well wishes and cards to the nursing station for Patti’s unit. We didn’t want to bother the family but the nurse was happy to deliver the cards for us. --911 CARES
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
New Contest
So, if you are interested in obtaining some wonderful 1980's Quilt World magazines, here is your chance to do so. You must make at least one quilt for the Iowa flood victims. It doesn't have to be large, it can be a crib sized quilt & it doesn't have to be fancy, just something warm and home feeling.
Send the quilt to: Pine Needles Sewing Center, 1000 Old Marion Road N.E., Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 with confirmation and send me the USPS confirmation #.
It is that simple and for the first 3 people that do this, I will send you each out some vintage quilt magazines. You can buy a quilt from a local quilt shop, find one on sale at Ebay, etc. just send out the quilt and please, make sure you send me your name and address to:
We can together help others through our love of quilting!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Quilt Magazines for Sale
14 issues of Lady's Circle Patchwork Quilts from 1989
11 issues of Quilt World Magazine from 1989
All are in terrific shape and I am selling them for less than a dollar each issue.
Check out Ebay seller, oilman85037
With the prices at Ebay going up/up/up I think I should take my chances here.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The First Quilt for Iowa
Well, it is done, the first quilt to be sent to Iowa for flood victims. I know I recently saw somewhere where there is a quilt shop I can send this to, but hopefully by next week I will have a box full.
I just love both of these fabrics. The blue one is Winnie-the-Pooh that I have had forever and used it for several other quilts. The light green is a vintage fabric with baby buggies and bottles and I also used it for several other baby quilt projects.
Anyway, I feel good because I have one done and who knows how many I will try to make, but I would at least like to send a total of 4 within the next 2 weeks.
I am sitting at my desk and listening to my grandchildren play and the wind chimes gently making a melodious tune as they all ring together. Chimes are one of my weaknesses, I just love them and I am sure my neighbors aren't as happy, but at least I don't have a yapping dog or bratty kids.
I love my husband! I just think I am so blessed to have this man in my life right now. He has been sober for over eight years, the grandchildren have never seen him drunk and he is just so amazing.
I am asking for everyone to pray for my husband, to lift him up and have God shine down on him. I am not working right now and can't find a job and I have been looking for over a year. He is carrying the load and it is getting heavier and heavier for him. He wouldn't complain I know, but I can see it in his face.
We live in a not-so-friendly neighborhood, it is just the way it is, no one talks to you if you are new and the area we live in is very closed minded if you weren't born or raised here. Just pray God will show my husband His mercy and love.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hubby brought home KFC for dinner and it was nice, after, we sat in the basement and watched a movie. For those who don't know, our basement is completely done, but needs a lot of work, so while we use it as a family/play room and hubby has an office down there, it isn't a creepy basement.
I will take pictures tomorrow of finished quilt and will hopefully get the bag started and another quilt done. Right now my biggest expense on the quilts will be mailing them to Iowa and California and I try to make them for a variety of ages since I don't have a list to go by.
It is 11:30 and I do need to get my aches and pains to bed for the night.
God Bless!
A Great Day!
Aside from our jerk of a neighbor backing into Hubbies Harley today because the ass can't stay out of the driveway and he obviously doesn't pay attention to what is behind his truck, it will be a great day!
We have a shared driveway and according to previous owners, renters and family members, it is only shared for the purpose of said neighbor doing repairs on his house, but he seems to think he can park in it and we don't have the money to fight him, not to mention no matter how many times we have requested a surveyor to talk to us or come out and survey the property, they won't.
So, while said jackass has his own garage and parking on the street where his house is located and we cannot park on the street, not to mention it is a hill and I walk with a cane and suffer from Fibromyalgia and the driveway is actually located out our back door, jackass still parks there.
Hubby made a police report and we have pictures, jackass said he will pay for the damage, but remember his name is jackass for a reason, so we expect this to get ugly.
Anyone want to help us find a place without a shared driveway? HAHA!!
The boys are gone running errands and it is just us girls home today, so we are going to be working on some quilts to pass them forward to those who lost homes in the Butte California fires and the Iowa floods. I don't know how many we will do today, but I am hoping to complete at least 4. Wish us luck and enjoy the flowers!
The ones at top are growing wildly and happily in my front yard. The others are either sitting out on my front porch or hanging. I love flowers & quilts!