Saturday, August 30, 2008

Battle Cruise Tonight...

Tonight, hubby and the oldest are going to Olympia to board the Hawaiian Chieftan or the Lady Washington for a 3 hour battle cruise. The 2 of them have been looking forward to this since I was volunteering for the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport. I really miss being there, everyone was so easy to work with and for. But, God has other plans for my life.

The two tall ships will go out into the Olympia harbor and have an old fashioned cannonball battle with each other & I really think my 2 are going to get a huge kick out of it. They were the 2 that went together on fishing trips when Shyann was small and since moving here, we haven't had the funds to do anything & it isn't getting any better, so when I was offered this trip for free, I took it!

I can't wait to see some of the pictures they take! Oops, better go plug in the digital camera so it is ready to go!

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