I am always busy. I just finished this quilt above for my grandchildren when they are watching television in the basement. They wanted something to cover their legs with or soft to lay on, so I had some scraps laying around (Don't all quilters?) and just threw this together. The middle or batting portion of this quilt is an old blanket we had sitting in a box, so I washed it really well and used it for batting. The back is a large piece of polar fleece I had left over from another project. It is the perfect quilt for what we lovingly refer to in our family as the 'Basement Quilts.'

The three pictures above are a quilt I am working on for my granddaughter Aly. She came up to me a few weeks ago with the quilt I made her when she was younger and said, 'Ranny, this one doesn't cover my feet anymore.' Sure enough that night she was sleeping and her two little tootsies stuck out about 14", so I decided to work on this one for her.

The three pictures above are a quilt I am working on for my granddaughter Aly. She came up to me a few weeks ago with the quilt I made her when she was younger and said, 'Ranny, this one doesn't cover my feet anymore.' Sure enough that night she was sleeping and her two little tootsies stuck out about 14", so I decided to work on this one for her.
All the fabrics in this quilt are flannel. The first picture shows the single and classic Nine-Patch squares. It also shows the flip-flop buttons that are going on in each seam meeting. Aly loves shoes, so I thought these would be a cute addition to the quilt...all 82 of them!
The picture on the left, shows the flowers made. There were 10 squares with these flowers and each was made with the flannel pieces, so has a different flower pattern, different buttons for the flower middles and each is sewn with a different stitch.
Once all the flip-flops are sewn on, I will add a warm & natural batting to the middle, complete it with a flannel backing and I am thinking about adding a ruffle to the binding. I will add more pictures to the blog when it is complete.

Above is the last project I am working on, Sunbonnet Sue and Sunbonnet Sam. I am hoping to have this quilt completed for the Grays Harbor County Fair and enter it as my first ever entry into a fair.
Sunbonnet Sue and Sam are appliqued onto a beige linen border and standing on a bed of green grass fabric. Sam is handing Sue is prized Sunflower from his garden. You can see his bib overalls are made of green fabric and his shirt and pocket rag are blue bandana. His hat is a wide brimmed sunflower hat.
Sue is decked out in purple and if you look closely, you will see the brim of her hat is bordered with tiny purple seed beads. I just really liked adding the beads to the hat. Her dress & blouse and shoes are made with a reproduction fabric someone gave me a few years ago.
The yellow batik reminded me of the sun and how bright it is & the blue batik surrounding Sue and Sam illustrates the sky.
The purple to me helped tie in all the purple in Sue's clothing. The green fabrics I discovered from my local quilt shop is very 'old' fabric and of a good quality.
You can't see the areas in which I have copied a leaf and scroll pattern I bought from a quilters catalog. I will embroider these around the final purple border and then add my backing and front border.
So, I hope you enjoy looking at all the projects I have going on and I just realized I am also working on a crazy quilt and a NASCAR quilt, but those aren't quite ready for pictures to be taken at this time.
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