WOW! I was googling my business name to see what would come up and my blog came up under Google. Now at least I know it might be found.
Well, Christmas is over & it is time to start thinking about our Americorps project for MLK day, we are going to do something with the homeless teens in our area.
I am also going to be working on getting my non-profit status for the quilts if I can afford it and still looking around for a business place to run the company.
For today, here are two miniature quilts I made my husband for his office walls. One is because of his avid love of fishing & I wish you could see the details like both our names in the heart, the scales on the fish, etc. I have it hanging on a branch with a fishing bobber on it and one on the fishing pole.
Below is the second quilt. It is a Moose which I made out of Harley & Tony Steward bandanas, since these are hubbies favorite hobbies. It has trees, birds, stars and a colorful border with 2 1/2 ince strips. The embroidery states: "The Biggest Moose in The Forest,' from a good friend that taught him much!

If you are interested in having something like the Moose made for a friend or family member, I can use their favorite sport or team for things like the birds, stars, trees. Let your imagination run wild. After all, there is only 365 days left until Christmas 2008!
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