I have given this much thought lately & it has been months since I posted, but I just can't close this blog, that would be giving up and I am not a quitter!
There are still people in this world that are hurting and that need a quilt to keep warm & while I may only be one person, I am determined that I am going to make quilts for the police dispatchers in this world, because they are the forgotten ones, the voice that calms over the air and the voice that is forgotten when police or fire help arrives. They are the ones day in and day out who do their jobs without a thanks, because their thanks comes from knowing they have helped someone during their day, a stranger that was unknown to them until the call for help came in.
I may struggle, I may find myself at times in financial dire straits, I may not have the job that pays the bills, but I am going to find a way to help these people that need all of us. To reach out to those that need a hug.
Yes, I may only be one person, but that is all it takes to make a difference!
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