Monday, December 31, 2007

Brrrrr, it is cold outside!

It is December 31st, the last day of 2007. I wonder what some of the New Years Resolutions will be? I don't make them because I usually make really dumb ones like refraining from sweets for an entire that will happen!

I did make one a few years ago to not buy any new shoes for an entire year. No one thought I could go through with it and if I did I would be in line on January 1 with $600 worth of new shoes, but it actually worked the opposite way. I realized I didn't need or really want all the shoes I had. Then I broke my tibia and fibula in November 2006 and couldn't use most of them any longer.

But back to its cold outside. It is freezing outside and has been all day. The roadways and sidewalks are covered in ice, the last time I checked the temperature outside, it was 28 and felt like 20. It is cold. My knee highs and jeans can't keep my legs warm.

Sooooooooooooooo, what about the homeless teens in this area who have no place to go to? What are they going to do when it is this cold? Many don't even have blankets, so I am in the process of making some quilts for them with a waterproof, windproof lining.

Please, if anyone would like to contribute to Tsunami Shores Quilts, let me know.

Happy New Year!

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