I am a retired police dispatcher and currently a substitute teacher and when I have time, I make quilts for family, friends and police dispatchers in need. The one above is almost
This quilt is larger than a full size and smaller than a queen sized and I love the way the color combination came out with the various blues, purple and golds.
I used so many fabrics out of my fabric stash to make the windows with and then used some pieces for the veins between the panes.
I didn't want to leave the dark blue border, so I added the floral border and then decided it would be fun to make some throw pillows to match the border. The pillow at the top has white eyelet all the way around it. The pillow on the left has eyelet on each end and the other 2 pillows are plain.
They will be stuffed this week-end and the quilt should go on the machine tomorrow. Just for information, my machine is a 1960's model Kenmore, nothing special with the exception that it was my grandma's and that it is a Kenmore.
So I should be able to do some machine quilting over the next few days and then over the week-end tie it and stuff the pillows.
The shipping for this quilt has been g
However, as soon as this one is complete, I must dash off and make a small hug quilt for another dispatcher in need and I am always accepting money, batting, fabric, etc. to help support this mission.
I know the economy is tight right now, but if you are lucky to have your job and make good money, than you can help support others in the field of dispatching.
Summer is just around the corner and during the summer, I do not work because there is no work in the education field in the summer and our town just lost over 200 local jobs and for a small town, that means tighter job opportunities.
I want to be able to continue my quilts year around, but I can't ask my husband to pay for them, he is already working 6 days a week to keep our heads above water. But I can ask each one of you to help off set the costs.
1- Take up a change collection at your center for 3-6 months and send me what you have saved.
2- Take up a one time collection at your center and send it to me.
3- Purchase the fabric, batting, thread for the next quilt (write me for details) or send me an entire bolt of batting
4- Sponsor a quilt. That means I buy everything, send you the receipts and you send me the money for the materials and the money to cover postage & I in turn let the recipient know that your center sponsored this for them.
5- Pass this onto other dispatch centers so they will know what I am doing.
I was one of you for over 12 years and I still am in many ways. Help me continue this cause!